September 19, 2008

4th year, a year full of changes....

4th year, means a lot of stuff: a child in his 4th year of life; a couple celebrating 4th aniversary...and 4th year after a person died.

uhm....enough junk talks, continue on the topic

4th year that i meant was the number of year i had been in the medical school, and its quite significant to all who just step into this landmark year though....


Simple, because this year is the year that the teaching programme shift rather radically from theoritical base into clinical base, meaning we no longer stay in lecture halls, tutorial rooms, instead starting to be assigns into different department for a couple of weeks (usually 6 weeks), and we call this as "posting" ( please differentiate from the posting in the blog.... )

So, each posting will have their own schedule provided by the department, and each group will be further subdivided into smaller groups according to the departments default teams. Well, basically the way we study now is just in the room, and 1 or 2 tutorials each week, and other than that, we are like doctors without license....each day go clerk patients, learn some procedures, and follow those doctors during their ward rounds....i know it sounds boring, but hell, its not only boring, but its busy as well..

To make things worse, each posting we have fulfill the requirements inside the log book,

an example of the log book from the department of Ophthalmology

and for me, thats the most annoying parts, especially in some department ( will not be revealed here lol ) where the signature from the doctors to prove that you witness or performed some procedures is hard to get...

Well, although life is busy, but its was fun when we learn something new in the process, so i guess this is the end of this post, next up, review of my first posting -- the neurobehavourial posting.

Don't know what it is about? Picture below serves as a hint....; )

Until then, have a nice day =)

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